It is with great pleasure that we welcome in our team of testimonials a shooter from the province of Caserta that we are sure will fill us with pride. It will be nice to rejoice in her successes and support her in moments of difficulty because being a team means sharing always and in any case.

It is the first time that Konus is linked to a woman and this is one more reason to be happy because we are convinced that the female presence on the shooting ranges must be enhanced and preserved and therefore everything that can contribute to highlighting the performances of the champions that our country cultivates we believe can be precious.

Maria Grazia was ranked second paired with De Luna at the Fidasc World Shooting World Championship in 2019 (both as a couple and individually) and we believe that this result already speaks for itself, but in reality the satisfactions have been many for this girl who is also Italian Champion of Class Squadra Lady at the World Championship in rifle shooting with rifles in Fara in Sabina in 2019 and in the Italian 200m Championship with support from Apricena in 2020. It should also be noted that Maria Grazia is also a member of the “Regional Committee FIDASC Campania ”with the office of director with responsibility for the promotion and development of the Lady and Juniores category as well as the President of the ASD company and the Country Shooting Technician.

Considering that it is only two years since she has been shooting with a rifled barrel,the conditions are really excellent and it will be an honor to be able to follow her in her growth and in competitions and see her use the optics cod. 7289 KONUSPRO M-30 12.5-50X56 which you have chosen from our range.

In this month of February he will prepare the complete Winter Championship(50/100/200/300 meters) of 20 and 21 March to be held in Torre Baccelli (RI), followed by the 50m mobile and the 100m on 4 positions and we sincerely can’t wait to see it at work.

Welcome Maria Grazia Perretta to the Konus team!

Thanks also to:

• Federal Center FIDASC CONI Campagna


Director: Massimo D’Ambrosio

Sports director: Luca D’Ambrosio

Shooting Sector – Contact Person: Cosimo Velella

Dog Sector: Gregorio D’Ambrosio

Thanks to this splendid reality, the athletes belonging to them can express the best of their abilities in their own field of reference.


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